Activities & Resources

The activities and resources provided here represent materials developed by the Possible Worlds team to help teacher-participants of the field studies integrate the digital games into their customary teaching of photosynthesis.


Sample Instructional Sequence

This is an instructional sequence for integrating The Ruby Realm into the topic of photosynthesis. It was developed and refined during the classroom field-testing of the digital game and supporting materials.

Format: PDF document
Duration: Three to five class periods
Timing: Optional, according to your approach to teaching photosynthesis

Photosynthesis Instructional Presentation

This slide deck is a brief, general introduction to the topic of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. The presentation includes illustrations and animations relating to the chemical change process that provides plants with the food they need for growth and repair.

Format: PowerPoint
Duration: 10–15 minutes (more with discussion)
Timing: After gameplay

Molecules in Motion

This is a kinesthetic activity that can be valuable for reinforcing the understanding of the arrangement of atoms and molecules in the process of photosynthesis and respiration. Each student is given the role of an atom and is given a card that designates what atom they are.

Format: Kinesthetic
Duration: One class period
Timing: After gameplay
Chemical Change

BioBot Bob's Molecule Replicator

BioBot Bob's Molecule Replicator is a Flash app that allows playing just the molecule puzzle mini-game from The Ruby Realm. It provides the opportunity to interact with the four processes found in the game: glucose, methanol, and tear gas synthesis, and cellular respiration. The mini-game works well on a projector, and has a pause feature for class discussion.

Open Bob's Replicator

Format: Flash app
Duration: Variable, based on amount of discussion
Timing: After gameplay

Photosynthesis Analogy Mapping Presentation

This slide deck is used to help students map visualizations from the game to photosynthesis concepts. It presents animations from different parts of the game alongside an image of a flower in the sunlight and the reactants and products of photosynthesis. The slides are designed to scaffold mapping across the source and target of the analogy. 

Format: PowerPoint
Duration: 30-40 minutes (more with discussion)
Timing: After photosynthesis instruction presentation

Photosynthesis Game Debrief Presentation

This slide deck is a presentation to use after students have played the Ruby Realm game. It presents animations from the game and asks students what they did in the game and the strategies they use to play.

Format: PowerPoint
Duration: One class period
Timing: After gameplay

Exit ticket assessments

This PDF contains four 1 page simple assessments:PRE-reflection activity, gameplay exit ticket, POST-reflection Activity, and second gameplay exit ticket.

Format: PDF
Duration: 5 - 10 minutes
Timing: Throughout instructional sequence