Tab Topics 2

Types of Heat Transfer

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During gameplay, students will have to transfer energy through three possible ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction occurs when two objects touch and heat is transferred from the warmer object to the cooler one. During convection, heat is transferred through the movement of liquids or gases. Radiation occurs when heat transfers through space by electromagnetic radiation.

Heat Transfer Slideshow

Slides 5 and 6 explain that conduction occurs when two objects touch and heat is transferred from the warmer object to the colder one. Slide 11 gives an example of conduction. Slides 7 and 8 explain that radiation occurs when heat transfers through space by electromagnetic radiation. Slide 12 gives an example of radiation. Slides 9 and 10 explain that in convection, heat is transferred through the movement of liquids or gases. Slide 13 gives an example of convection.

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What the Textbooks Say

Usually textbooks devote a page or two to explaining the three forms of heat transfer:

  1. Conduction—heat transferred directly by touch
  2. Convection—heat transferred in gasses and liquids when hot and cold fluids move from place to place
  3. Radiation—heat transferred by electromagnetic radiation (light)

Students who understand the three types of heat transfer still may believe that only one type can occur at a time.

See classroom activities related to Heat Transfer